Friday, October 2, 2009

"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone: my hope comes from him." - Psalm 62:5(NIV)

First off, thanks for the prayers and encouragement. Defnitely been a lot of learning experiences and there totally still are but i'm pressing along. Everytime I hit a rough patch in situations, just around the corner of it God seems to have a point of emphasis showing me the amazing company He has surrounded me with and through them, displaying and reminding me of His love and peace.

I hope the story is right... but the first weekend in LA, I was talking with the 3 boys I was chaperoning and learned that the 3 of them were from the same tribe, Kikuyu because they were all singing this tribal song. I thought it sounded really cool and asked them to teach me, and... I couldn't get it, hah. Then this week as we were headed to the Braves game, I happened to be in a van with 5 boys, 3 were the ones I had, and it happened that all 5 of them were Kikuyu so I asked them to sing a tribal song. It was different than the first one than sang but I like this one just as much. Even from just a video like this you can feel the joy these kids can bring, though of course it isn't always this easy. Without further ado, check it out. 

In my second host home of the trip so far I, and the boys i'm with, have been totally blessed by the family we are with. They are amazing people with obvious love for Christ that is seen in their character and how they interact with us. It has been very refreshing to me. They took us to little tail gating at a high school football game. Though one of my boys was more interested in cheerleaders than the game, another in thunder sticks and the other one just wanting to go home cause he didn't understand the game, it proved to be a fun night.

As of today, our Daraja family was made complete as the last boy, who is part of the choir but was delayed because of chicken pox, came in with 3 other Kenyan adults - the wife of our choir director and like Daraja mom, another motherly figure and teacher and our new choreographer. I look forward to getting to know them better as they seem like great people and i'm sure have a lot of wisdom they could impart to me. Something about running through a practice with all of them there just felt right. And I have set my bar low and have told myself i'm going to have one dance down by the end of the summer though my fellow Daraja staff members assure me that after 37 concerts, it'll all be a piece of cake. If any of you know me and rhythm... let's just say, I have my doubts, hah, but i'm going to give it a full, whole hearted shot!

As long as it has felt, the routine begins tomorrow. We've got our bus, a long story in itself because our old bus took 8 feet of water in a repair shop during the flash flood in Atlanta though I did hear a few horror stories about that bus so not so bad of a thing, and we'll begin travelling in it tomorrow. Then along with my role of being a parent i'll be helping out with loading the bus, setting up recreational games, assisting to teach the 4th graders, running the lyrics/videos during concert and then manning a table trying to get kids sponsored through an organization called BrightPoint for Children after the concert. On Sunday will be the first concert run by us, since the performance in LA was at a conference we didn't have as much responsibility.You know what that means? The fun is just about to begin!

I'm up later tonight because I get to sleep in to 9am tomorrow! I'm not being sarcastic, totally excited for that and will now go make use of it! Much love!

1 comment:

  1. I miss you guys a lot....

    Peace love and Jesus,

    prayin and can't wait to see you.

